Since 2017 the team at Singita have been working closely with their neighbouring communities to reforest areas that were previously cleared as former dairy pastures and agricultural lands around Volcanoes National Park. The reforestation and re-wilding of this area has created a critical buffer zone between agricultural lands and the unique rainforests of the Park. These pastures are being cleared of invasive alien species and replanted with indigenous trees and shrubs that are native to the Virunga Massive or Albertine Rift region. Take a walk through this wonderful area and stop along the way at the nursery as you spend an afternoon appreciating all the botanical action that is being driven from the Landing.
Already 250,000 tree saplings that have been sourced from local community nurseries have been replanted across the property. Some 60,000 saplings have been propagated and grown at Singita's onsite Akarabo Nursery. The Landings conservation and nursery teams regularly monitor the growth of the plants and replace those that die off while guests are also invited to leave a lasting legacy by visiting the nursery and planting trees on the property as part of the on-going reforestation programme.