Europe, Denmark

The amount of bicycles in Denmark is more than double the number of cars. Copenhageners pedal more than 1.13 million km on their bicycles each day.

How They Dazzle Us

Denmark is considered one of the most economically and socially developed countries in the world. Danes are known to be the happiest people in the world with a high standard of living and the country ranks highly in national performance for education, health care, protection of civil liberties, democratic governance, prosperity and human development. The country ranks as having the world's highest social mobility, a high level of income equality, is the country with the lowest perceived level of corruption in the world, the fifth-most developed in the world, has one of the world's highest per capita incomes, and one of the world's highest personal income tax rates.

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Why We Love Them

Denmark is an archipelago made up of over 100 islands, some of which are not inhabited to this day. Lego was invented in Denmark. The company was started in 1932 by Ole Kirk Christiansen. Lego began producing its iconic bricks in 1958. For more than 60 years, over 320 billion Lego bricks have been sold worldwide, nearly 60 bricks for every person on the planet.

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Their Sustainable Superpower

The amount of bicycles in Denmark is more than double the number of cars. Copenhageners pedal more than 1.13 million km on their bicycles each day. On the country's Faroe Islands there are twice as many sheep as people. Sadly, Denmark is the world’s biggest producer of ranched minks for the production of mink coats.

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Best Time to Visit

In Denmark, it rains or snows every second day. On average, Denmark has 171 days with precipitation per year. The best time to visit Denmark is from May to Aug when the days are at their longest, temperatures are mild and the countryside is in full bloom. Spring and autumn are best for bird watching on the west coast, with migrant species passing through.

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Unique Foods

Denmark was the first country to export bacon and is the fifth largest exporter of food in the world, despite their small population. Lunches typically consist of open sandwiches called smørrebrød. Hot meals and dinner are typically prepared with meat or fish and accompanied by mustard and gherkin sides.

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Visa Details

Please consult the closest embassy or consulate of Denmark

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