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How They Dazzle Us
Swaziland is not really a place on which people focus their attention – it’s very much off the beaten track. But that doesn’t mean that it is not very beautiful. The drive into the country via the north, is stunning and is a highly recommended detour on the way back to civilization following a stay at the nearby Kruger Park.
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Why We Love Them
This is one of the most unpretentious nations on earth. Some say that it is stuck in the past, we prefer to view them as comfortable with who they are. It’s a hospitable and charming place with plenty to do and a lovely relaxed atmosphere – you couldn’t really ask for more.
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Their Sustainable Superpower
Being a small place means that the Swazi’s are able to focus very easily, and they have made a big play in the area of sustainable tourism. With tourism as a major revenue earner for the country strategies have been put in place to ensure that the communities benefit from the influx of foreign visitors and that their traditions and lifestyles are conserved and looked after – along with the animals that vegetation that tourists come to see.
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Best Time to Visit
Swaziland is one of those places that can be visited at almost any time of year. The weather is generally fantastic and while it gets cold at night in winter (May through September), and warm during the day in summer (December to March), it is never too extreme to be unpleasant. Game is best viewed in winter, but the land itself is best to behold in summer when it is lush and green.
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Unique Foods
Traditional western foods are easy to find in Swaziland, but if you are looking for something a little more unique and local in this country of subsistence farming then look out for dishes like Sishwala, which is a thick porridge that is served with meat and vegetables. Also popular is Umbidvo wetintsanga which is pumpkin leaves mixed with nuts.
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