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How They Dazzle Us
As the only country in the world that is entirely surrounded by just one other nation, it is easy to forget about Lesotho or just assume that it is a province of South Africa. But it is not. It is a unique and independent country and it is not called the mountain kingdom for nothing. Set amongst the spectacular Maluti mountains Lesotho offer the majesty of the Swiss Alps coupled with an African feel that is truly special.
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Why We Love Them
We loved the fashion that is so unique. The national dress is a blanket and the site of locals walking through the streets wrapped in blankets is common. So too is the woven grass hat the Mokorotlo. But mostly we just loved the mountains. With its lowest point above sea-level at more than 1500 meters, it means that Lesotho boasts the highest low-point of any country in the world – eat your heart out Nepal!
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Their Sustainable Superpower
Environmentally Lesotho struggles most with soil erosion, but it is battling hard to solve this problem. Given its mountainous terrain and inaccessible landscape it means that large parts of the country can be protected as game reserves and sanctuaries. Huge swathes of land have been granted protected status bringing the added benefit of offering an alternative livelihood to subsistence farming as people find work near their homes, eliminating the need to travel to the cities for work. This also plays a major role in protecting the traditional ways of life.
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Best Time to Visit
There are no right or wrong times for visiting Lesotho, the time is entirely dependent on what it is that you want to do there. For the most part the temperatures are moderate with snow falls and ski weather in the southern-hemisphere winter. Summer is the time for pony trekking and mountain explorations.
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Unique Foods
The food of this country shares many similarities with its neighbour South Africa. It is a blend of African cuisine with English influences. As such things like beetroot and carrot feature prominently as sides while maize-based porridge or pap is a staple that is served with most meals.
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