Oceania, Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea

The theme by which the Papua New Guinea Tourism Master Plan is based is “Growing PNG Tourism as a Sustainable Industry”. So, sustainability and sustainable practices are very much on the radar.

How They Dazzle Us

Vast and unexplored, Papua New Guinea is one of the most undeveloped and unchartered places left on earth. In short, it is a place of vast mystery and undiscovered adventures, people and species. The country is regarded as one of the most rural on earth with only 18% of the population living in urban areas. Furthermore, it is said to have the most uncontacted civilizations anywhere in the world – tribes and groups of people living in such remote areas that they have never properly connected with the outside world.

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Why We Love Them

In so many places the need to modernise and westernize is seen as a very important goal. But the people of Papua New Guinea have a very refreshing approach to what constitutes the way forward. So much so that their constitution manages to express the wish for "traditional villages and communities to remain as viable units society." It protects their continuing importance to local and national community life.

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Their Sustainable Superpower

The theme by which the Papua New Guinea Tourism Master Plan is based is “Growing PNG Tourism as a Sustainable Industry”. So, sustainability and sustainable practices are very much on the radar. The Vision of this Master Plan is that tourism in the country will become a growing and sustainable industry that is recognized globally as a destination which offers a range of unique niche adventure tourism experiences. That it generates significant investment and employment through profitable business opportunities and subsequently the development of the economy; and that it celebrates, protects and enhances the country's unique cultural heritage and natural environment by showcasing these attributes.

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Best Time to Visit

The drier months of May to October are considered the best times to visit Papua New Guinea. not only is the weather good but it is during this period that many of the cultural festivals are held - a great opportunity to gain genuine insights into the culture. it is also worth noting that if you are travelling to Papua New Guinea to dive, the conditions are considered to be good all year round.

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Unique Foods

Without dressing it up too much, it is worth noting that amongst the culinary delicacies in Papua New Guinea is human. Certain tribes are still said to eat human meat on special occasions – those occasions are where revenge is served! In the event you don’t end up as somebody else’s meal some of the other typical dishes from the area to look out for include Mumu, which is pork, roasted in a traditional earth oven and served with sweet potatoes, rice and vegetables. Kokoda Fish is dish that has been cooked with a lime-coconut sauce while Kaukau is baked sweet potato.

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Visa Details

Please consult the closest embassy or consulate of Papua New Guinea

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