We all love to get out there and see the world – travelling is one of the best educations a person can give themselves. It is not without its dangers and problems however and it is always smart to plan ahead and keep all the bases covered in the event of something going wrong. There are the obvious precautions that need to be taken which would fall into the category of general preparation and then there the common-sense actions that can be taken which can have a huge impact on your experience in the event that things go awry. While you always want to travel safely, there are certain inherent dangers involved in adventure travel and excursions to remote locations. To help with your travel planning here are a few simple things to factor into your preparation.

Know what you are getting

Travel insurance is very important and frankly the more comprehensive it is the better. When you are catching multiple flights there are a lot of potential failure points and you want to make sure that you are covered in eth event of delays or luggage losses or any similar catastrophes. The good news is that most credit cards offer automatic cover if you use them for booking the trip. But don’t assume this to be the case. Make sure that you know what they cover and what they don’t and then compare the market to see what else is out there. For a nominal extra, you may be able to get more cover than you get with your card. Whatever you do, don’t assume that everything will be fine. Rather plan for the worst and don’t need your cover than fail to plan and be stranded in the middle of nowhere without your luggage.

Inform the right people

When it comes to medical insurance it is particularly important to let your medical aid know that you are going to be travelling. Most medical insurance packages offer their beneficiaries a travel benefit (or an emergency evacuation service is part of the package), but they also state in eth small print that this is dependent on their being notified prior to your travelling. So, make sure that you do this. It is usually a simple call or email and it is usually in place to ensure that you are not being covered while living abroad, but it must be done. If your medical aid doesn’t cover you, then make sure that you have medical cover included in your general travel insurance.

Aside from the formal matter of your medical aid, also make sure that there are always people who know where you are going to be. This is particularly pertinent if you are travelling alone. It might sound unnecessary, but it could save your life. Let people know where you are going and when you intend to return. That way, if anything happens, there will be somebody ready to act and scramble a rescue mission of some sort.

In case of emergency

The concept of an ICE number on the mobile phone is a fairly common one. Make sure that there is one on yours. The idea here is that if you are involved in an accident or something happens to you, anyone who looks at your phone will be able to find an emergency number in your phone book. It is a simple procedure and it will stand you in good stead regardless of whether you are travelling or at home.  

Basic first aid

Take a basic first aid or medical kit with you. Nothing fancy, just the essentials to ensure that you are covered in the event of illness. We are talking over-the-counter medication for diarrhoea, nausea and headaches, sun cream and after-sun, rehydration packs, gauze and antiseptic creams. That sort of stuff. The last thing you want is to try and find a pharmacist in a foreign country and then explain to them what you need. Rather, pack your tried-and-trusted remedies from home and keep then in your hand-luggage at all times.